Exciting Week Already

It’s only Wednesday and we’ve already had a busy week around here. Hubs has a rash. Gave him Soothe #2 to use. Seems hubs herniated a disc in his neck without telling me. He wouldn’t take his meds cause I was in Tampa on a job interview. As I haven’t yet shared, hubs has Lewy Body Dementia. The same form of Dementia that Robin Williams was suffering from when he died. In our case, hubs is still high functioning but slipping. Decisions like these, slipping. How he hurt his neck, slipping. But we have faith and strength and do the best we can. Some days are better than others.

I also had my R+F kick off. Signed two more clients. Yay! I’m up to eight in six weeks!! Not bad considering my day job! Here’s a pic.

Stay tuned! Lots going on. Will the #2 cure his rash? Will I get the job? Will hubs remember to take his anti-inflammatories?

R+F Launch-What a Blast!

Blue Eyed Ginger

Welcome to my blog. So, why a blog? I’m asking myself that repeatedly. I already work 50-60 hours a week at my day job as Senior Director of Employment Practices for an international restaurant company, am the primary caregiver for my husband who has Parkinson’s with Levy Body Dementia, mom to a crazy mutt named Crimson, and just started my own Rodan+Fields skincare business! But I thought blogging might be a great anxiety outlet. Read it, don’t read it. Just writing it will be a release. Oh, nearly forgot I’m also mom to a 29 year old ginger who is recently engaged to a beautiful girl. When you see me, you’ll say, she must have been a 12 year old mother and I will say no, 11! That’s it, that’s the family. 

For tonight, I’ll keep it to introduction. I am a Jesus follower, did I lose you? No, good. I’m middle aged and for now, that will do-a lady never tells her age. I grew up all over the south as a broadcasting brat until my Dad settled us in Florida when I was 13. (That red eye feature doesn’t work too well)!And while I’ve occasionally journeyed away, I always come back. You can take the sand out of my shoes but you can’t take the salt out of my soul. 

We live in Florida now. And I fortunately work from home. I travel like crazy. Hence my entrepreneurial endeavor. What if I could build a business that allowed me to retire early and take care of my husband full-time? Absolutely, I’m all in!

Enough for tonight. I look forward to sharing our journey. God Bless.