Would You Please Stop Filling my FaceBook Feed with Your Rodan+Fields Stuff?!

Yeah, I know. That’s what some of you are thinking about now. Go back to pictures of Crimson and telling us where you are traveling to this week. Why is my feed being taken over by my friends asking me to try this or that?! Well, that will be another post for another day. I wanted to take some time to share more about me. Those that read my blog because you know me, know that we deal with dementia everyday of our lives. I’ve been married to a wonderful man for nearly 25 years. He always wanted to take care of me. But I always saw being cared for as a sign of weakness so he lived with this strong, bull-headed, fiercely independent woman that refused his help. The day before my 44th birthday, he was diagnosed, incorrectly, as having early onset Alzheimer’s. We were told to get his affairs in order because he probably had no more than two years. That message was the most gut wrenching news ever. But the blessing in it was it woke us up and taught us both to rely upon one another. To cling to one another. Over the years and many specialists later, we learned we were dealing with Lewy Body Dementia. It is very common for this disease to be misdiagnosed. Even when the Parkinsonism set in, the original doctor misdiagnosed those symptoms. The good news was his treatment did not harm my husband. What does this have to do with all of my skincare posts? I have a great job that I love but it’s demanding and it keeps me from home. Taking care of my husband is a job only I can do. Time with him is precious and highly valued. My current situation is great because I have a wonderful boss and our team Executive is a phenomenal woman. They are flexible and will provide what I need. But I need to plan for the future. After trying Rodan+Fields’ products, I know they work. So, what if, this could enable me to stay home with my husband in a few years? Time with him is precious and irreplaceable. After 20+ years in HR as a business leader, I know how to put people first. I can make this a great experience for my clients. We all want to be pampered and feel better about ourselves. We want to take care of our skin. I know I do. And in the meantime, I can build a business that allows me to take care of him in a way he deserves. And for that, I fill up your Facebook feed.<img src="https://blueeyedgingertherarest.files.wordpress.com/2017/04/img_4087.jpg" alt=""